
Due to the massive influx of fan mail...

In a recent sincerely ludro post about Bill Russell, I made the comment:
Also, Russell was one of the most prolific shot blockers of all-time. He, and all his victims, attribute this to his brutal psychological warfare that he waged during the season, as well as his uncanny natural jumping ability.

Which basically makes him my third favorite basketball player of all-time.
I've received an incredible amount fan email about that last statement (jeapordizing my large, ever-so-expandy Gmail storage), the majority of which inquire as to ascertain my Top 10 Ballerz Of All-Time list.

So, as a man who hold his fan base as well as fellow RSS lovers in very high esteem, may I present to you...

Top 3 Ballerz: All-Time Edition (w/links to prove it!)
  1. Michael Jordan
  2. LeBron James
  3. Kobe Bryant
P.S. If you didn't notice, this is basically just a shortlist review of basketball players based more or less on tv commercials that are only partially rooted in reality. It's a rough description of some of my fav ballerz (current), but is unable to rank all-timers and is thus incomplete, considering Bill Russell lived before the Gutenberg press was invented or something like that.

Also, I kinda screwed you out of the last seven (7) ballers cuz I got really hungry in the middle of this post and had to go to lunch; I was supposed to finish it when i got back, but instead I slipped into a food coma and got lazy. Sorry. Notttt!

But, the true top 10 post will come...in time...eventually...after...I.....sleee........eeeeepp.

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