
Stephen A. Smith: Bad Broadcaster or Just Terrible Person?

I'll cut right to the chase of this post, he's an idiot. After seeing him scream about every pick during this year's draft, I have a newfound disrespect for his soul.

Smith, a semi-accomplished sportswriter from Philly, got picked up by ESPN and put to heavy use during the Kobe sex scandal to provide some sort of unabashed defense of Kobe's blatant promiscuity.

He was given the show "Quite Frankly with Stephen A. Smith" on ESPN2; and guess what... it sucked. The only reason it survived for barely over a year was because of Spandan Daftary, ESPN's Emmy-winner producer.

Watching him rant his angular face off for a full four-and-a-half hours was deafening, uninformative, and slightly nauseating.

"That was such a terrible draft choice! I fail to understand what they are thinking! This was a bad pick for the [insert every team name here]!"

He must've said that over two dozen times. "I'm Stephen A. Smith! And everything I say is important!"

Why did they continue to go to him first for analysis before the other announcers? After talking for like three minutes, they would try to turn to the other announcers for a response, but they would be totally cracking up due to whatever just came out of Stephen A. Smith's mouth.

And then there was the embarrassing duel between Stephen A. and the other ridiculous basketball know-it-all, Dick Vitale. It was the single most homoerotic exchange I have ever seen on ESPN. I mean, they literally we're so full of themself and one other, that the two biggest ego's in sports broadcasting started, I kid you not, doing impersonations of each other in order to convey no point whatsoever. Seriously, I haven't seen spit that thick come out of Dick Vitale's mouth in over a decade.

"I love you baby!!! But I disagree!"

Yet even in the valley of the shadow of death, I am not alone in my plight. I was enthralled to find that other people in this universe actually exist who also stop to take notice of what Stephen A. has to say... right before they subsequently blurt out "wtf!?@"

Featured Link: The infamous Stephen A. Smith hecklers were back again for this year's NBA Draft and boy was my sanity appreciative.

1 comment:

drhmd124 said...

this sounds like its turning into an emo blog already